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Drama有幾種不同語意:1.戲劇。Drama is a type of literature that is performed on a stage or in a movietheater. (Drama是一種在舞台或電影院演出的文學形式。)


  1. 戲劇

Drama is a type of literature that is performed on a stage or in a movie
theater. (Drama是一種在舞台或電影院演出的文學形式。)

例如:”The drama won several awards for its innovative use of lighting and set
design.” ( 這部戲獲得了多項獎項,因為它對燈光和舞設計創新使用。 )

2. 戲劇性

Drama can also refer to the quality of being exciting, emotional, or intense. (Drama也可以指令人興奮、感情強烈或強烈的特性。)

例如:”The movie had a lot of drama, with characters facing difficult choices and
life-or-death situations.” (這部電影充滿戲劇性,角色面臨艱難的選擇合生死境地。)

3. 麻煩

In colloquial language, drama can also refer to a situation that is causing
problems or conflicts. (在口語中,戲劇也可以指引起問題或衝突的情況。)

例如:”I don’t want to get involved in their drama. It’s none of
mybusiness.” (我不想卷進他們的麻煩中。這跟我沒有關係。)

4. 事件

In a more general sense, drama can also refer to any significant or exciting
event. (在更廣泛的意義上,戲劇也可以指任何重要或令人興奮的事件。)

例如:”The final game of the championship was full of drama, with the two
teams going back and forth until the last minute.”( 冠軍賽的最終場比賽充滿戲劇性,兩支隊伍相互較勁,直到最後一分鐘才結束。 )




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